Beckstrom Vocal Studio
Messiah Concert
Midland-Odessa Chorus
Katy Chamber Chorus
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Midland-Odessa Community Chorus
the core-choir for the
Messiah Concert
Rehearsals: at 4805 Gateway Street, Midland, Texas  |  7:00 - 8:30 PM  |  Oct. 3 - Nov. 21, 2024  

Weekly Rehearsals: Oct. 3 - Nov. 14, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Technical Rehearsals: Nov. 21 from 7:00 - 9 PM at the LDS Church, and a second Technical Rehearsal on Dec. 5 from 7:00 - 9 PM @ The Westminster Presbyterian Church in Odessa

Final Orchestra Rehearsal: Dec. 7th from 2 - 4:30 PM @ the LDS Church

Concerts: Dec. 8, 5:30 - 6:30 PM at the LDS Church, and a second concert on Dec. 15, 5:30 - 6:30 PM at the Presbyterian Church.

Joining us for this year's concerts: Concert Conductor Dr. Jean Gómez, Concert Pianist LuAnn Lane, Trumpeter Payne Connor, and the UTPB Orchestra.

Please contact us for more information on singing with the Midland-Odessa Community Chorus or for Private Singing Lessons with Beckstrom Vocal Studio. 

email me
The MOCC is an interdenominational choir, led by Director and Founder Alice Valantine Beckstrom and Co-Director Melanie Harper. 
1. Overture (piano and strings)
2. Comfort ye my people- TENOR SOLO  
4. And the glory of the Lord (chorus)
6. But who may abide the day of His coming?- BASS OR ALTO SOLO 
7. And he shall purify (chorus)
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion ALTO OR MEZZO SOLO (and chorus)
10. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth- BASS
12. For unto us a child is born (chorus)
14.-16. There were shepherds abiding in the field- SOPRANO SOLO 
  And lo! the angel of the Lord came upon them 
15. And the angel said unto them
16. And suddenly there was with the angel
17. Glory to God (chorus)
20. He shall feed His flock- ALTO/MEZZO and SOPRANO SOLOS
26. All we like sheep have gone astray (chorus)
30. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow- TENOR OR SOPRANO SOLO
46. Since by man came death (chorus)
48. The trumpet shall sound- BASS SOLO
44. Hallelujah! (chorus and audience)
Click the highlighted links for online PDFs of the Messiah Choruses.
2023 Members of the Midland-Odessa Community Chorus:  

7-*Alice Beckstrom, 7-*Mark Beckstrom, 1-Erin Boehm, 7-*Cathy Bonifay, 1-Nick Bryan, 1-Diana Bustamante, 1-Ricki Calder, 6-*Stazie Church, 1-Juliet Coleman, 1-Rachel Coleman, 1-Matt Darby, 3-Mary Dawson, 5-Melody Drinkard, 3-Drew Hausen, 2-Carlos Hinojos, 3-Sandra Huston, 2-Daphne Jarman, 5-Cynthia Jarrett, 2-Oksana Kondratyuk, 4-ManDee Laing, 3-Kati Lewis, 6-David May, 6-*Elizabeth Anne McDonald, 6-*Mark McDonald, 6-*Mary Lou McDonald, 3-Joseph Meyer, 1-Seneca Mick, 1-Don Miller, 2-Eric Nielson, 2-Matt Scott, 4-Missy Snow, 1-Nolan Snow, 1-Wyatt Snow, 1-Gregory Swenton, 2-Jeffrey Tew, 2-Sheldon Walton, 1-Sister Goodwill, 1-Sister Thomas, 2-Ted Ward, 4-*Karen Weidmann

1-7 next to a name denotes the number of Messiah concerts with MOCC 
* Denotes the singer is a 2015 founding member of Midland-Odessa Community Chorus